Howard House

Architect: Brian MacKay-Lyons
Project: Howard House
Location: West Pennant, Nova Scotia, Canada
Date: 1995

Howard house1

The work of MacKay-Lyons Sweetaple (MLS) is an unsentimental abstraction of the local vernacular forms.  The MLS office typology draws discreetly from the heavily engineered and durable qualities of the maritime buildings on the east Canadian coast.

The Howard House is situated on the east coast of Canada in Pennant, Nova Scotia.  Surrounded on three sides, it takes the most prominent position on a peninsula with a small domestic harbour to the east.

As a linear wedge, the Howard House is sited and set out in such a fashion that the programme tells a story in two ways. The entrance courtyard is open on two sides, a homage to the factory set-up of the Canadian fish houses synonymous with the area. Secondly, the logical order of the internal spaces are again akin to a factory line, they draw the inhabitant through the spaces to an external deck which MacKay-Lyons sees as the bow of a ship.

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